Next Generation of mRNA Vaccinology – Cleveland Clinic

Next Generation of mRNA Vaccinology – Cleveland Clinic Advancements in the generation, purification and cellular delivery of RNA have enabled the development of mRNA vaccines across a broad array of applications, such as cancer and Zika virus infection. The technology is cost-effective, relatively simple to manufacture, and elicits immunity in a novel way. Furthermore, the […]

The First Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease at Washington University School of Medicine

The first blood test for Alzheimer’s disease Randall Bateman, MD, a Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL) neurologist, is thrilled to have contributed to the first blood test for Alzheimer’s disease — a devastating condition that affects as many as 5.8 million Americans. Back in 2017, though, as Bateman geared up to share […]

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s breakthrough in Obesity Medication

For the first time since 2014, a new obesity medication has hit the market, offering hope to the 78 million Americans who face the many risks of excess weight: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and complications from COVID-19, among others. And the new medication — semaglutide, also known as Wegovy — is significantly more powerful than its predecessors, […]

Knee ACL treatment at Boston Children’s Hospital

Tearing an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) — the flexible band inside the knee that helps stabilize it — can upend a sports career and sideline weekend athletes. Between 100,000 and 200,000 ACL tears occur each year in the United States. The most effective repair option has been removing the ruptured ACL, harvesting a graft from the shin […]

Saving Mother’s lives at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in Manhattan

When a woman’s uterus fails to contract after childbirth, tremendous blood loss can ensue, possibly leading to an emergency hysterectomy or even death. In fact, postpartum hemorrhage affects 3% to 10% of all childbirths in the United States and causes more than one-third of childbirth-related maternal deaths worldwide. Treatment options include medications that don’t always work and inserting a […]

Boston Children’s Hospital solving sickle cell disease

For more than 5,000 years, sickle cell disease (SCD) has caused untold suffering in people of African descent. In patients with the genetic illness, red blood cells are not round but crescent-shaped — like a sickle — and can clog blood vessels, depriving the body of oxygen and causing tremendous pain. For a long time, […]

Dr. Oliver Sartor Prostate Cancer Breakthrough

Prostate cancer strikes 1 out of 8 U.S. men, and it is expected to take more than 34,000 lives this year alone. When it metastasizes, the disease is almost always incurable, leaving physicians focused only on postponing death and improving patients’ lives. A promising new approach has succeeded at both goals — and did so among men with an […]

Rolling MRIs into hospital rooms

Assessing a stroke demands a rapid, life-or-death assessment: Is the culprit a clot, which requires a blood thinner, or bleeding in the brain, which requires surgery? Now, a portable MRI device can help make that assessment right at a patient’s bedside — and in much less time than required by a trip to a standard machine. The […]

The Immune System—The Body’s Defense Against Infection

To understand how COVID-19 vaccines work, it helps to first look at how our bodies fight illness. When germs, such as the virus that causes COVID-19, invade our bodies, they attack and multiply. This invasion, called an infection, is what causes illness. Our immune system uses several tools to fight infection. Blood contains red cells, […]

My Experience With The Addiction Crisis in British Columbia

Watching the news and social media is very troubling with the addiction problem in British Columbia. The area of the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver is ground zero for a majority of all the serious drug related problems. My experience began in 1992 when I was hired as a Financial Assistance Worker with the provincial government […]